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Goddard, B. K., Guillemin, T. A., Schilling, H. T., Hughes, J. M., Brodie, S., Green, C. P., Harcourt, R., Huveneers, C., Ierodiaconou, D., Suthers, I. M., Taylor, M. D., Tracey, S. R., Camilieri-Asch, V., Clarke, T. M., Dwyer, R. G., Hilbert, C., Holdsworth, J., Mitchell, J., Pepperell, J., … Suthers, I. M. 2024. Half a century of citizen science tag-recapture data reveals stock delineation and cross-jurisdictional connectivity of an iconic pelagic fish. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 2024, 1–17.

D. P. Costa, Micheli, Melissa Wartman, Peter I. Macreadie, Lawrance W. Ferns, Rhiannon L. Holden, Daniel Ierodiaconou, Kimberley J. MacDonald, et al. 2024. “Spatially Explicit Ecosystem Accounts for Coastal Wetland Restoration.” Ecosystem Services 65 (February).

Doran, Todd A., David M. Kennedy, Jak R. McCarroll, Blake M. Allan, and Daniel Ierodiaconou. 2024. “EGUsphere - Using UAV-Derived Point Clouds to Measure High Resolution Cliff Dynamics in Soft Lithologies: Demons Bluff, Victoria, Australia.” EGUsphere. 2024.

Lowe, Scott C., Benjamin Misiuk, Isaac Xu, Shakhboz Abdulazizov, Amit R. Baroi, Alex C. Bastos, Merlin Best, et al. 2024. “BenthicNet: A Global Compilation of Seafloor Images for Deep Learning Applications.” ArXiv Preprint, May.

McCarroll, R. Jak, David M. Kennedy, Jin Liu, Blake Allan, and Daniel Ierodiaconou. 2024. “Design and Application of Coastal Erosion Indicators Using Satellite and Drone Data for a Regional Monitoring Program.” Ocean and Coastal Management 253 (July).


Whitmarsh, S., Porskamp, P., Tinkler, P., Gray, S., Ierodiaconou, D., Young, M., Victoria, M.S.P. and Victoria, S.H.P., 2023. An integrated monitoring program for Cape Howe Marine National Park. DOI: An integrated monitoring program for Cape Howe Marine National Park. (  

Bezore, R., Kennedy, D.M. and Ierodiaconou, D., 2023. Testing the potential of drowned shore platforms as sea level proxies in a temperate, microtidal environment: Victoria, Australia. Marine Geology, p.107008. DOI:

Malerba, M.E., de Paula Costa, M.D., Friess, D.A., Schuster, L., Young, M.A., Lagomasino, D., Serrano, O., Hickey, S.M., York, P.H., Rasheed, M., Lefcheck, J.S., Radford, B., Atwood, T.A., Ierodiaconou, D and Macreadie, P. 2023. Remote sensing for cost-effective blue carbon accounting. Earth-Science Reviews, p.104337. DOI: 

Young, M.A., Critchell, K., Miller, A.D., Treml, E.A., Sams, M., Carvalho, R. and Ierodiaconou, D., 2023. Mapping the impacts of multiple stressors on the decline in kelps along the coast of Victoria, Australia. Diversity and Distributions, 29(1), pp.199-220. DOI:

Ierodiaconou, D., McLean, D., Birt, M.J., Bond, T., Wines, S., Glade-Wright, O., Morris, J., Higgs, D. and Whitmarsh, S.K., 2023. Industry remotely operated vehicle imagery for assessing marine communities associated with subsea oil and gas infrastructure on the continental shelf of South-East Australia. Frontiers in Marine Science. DOI: 


Pucino, N., Kennedy, D.M., Young, M. and Ierodiaconou, D., 2022. Assessing the accuracy of Sentinel-2 instantaneous subpixel shorelines using synchronous UAV ground truth surveys. Remote Sensing of Environment, 282, p.113293. DOI:

Carvalho, R.C., Kennedy, D. and Ierodiaconou, D., 2022. Surficial sediment data along the shoreface and inner continental shelf of western Victoria, Australia. Data in Brief, 45, p.108563. DOI:

Boone-Sifuentes, T., Nazari, A., Razzak, I., Bouadjenek, M.R., Robles-Kelly, A., Ierodiaconou, D. and Oh, E.S., 2022, October. Marine-tree: A Large-scale Marine Organisms Dataset for Hierarchical Image Classification. In Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management (pp. 3838-3842). DOI:


Ierodiaconou D. Young M, Wines S, Carnell P, Tinkler P, Allan B, Whitmarsh S, Howe S, Pocklington J 2022. An integrated monitoring program for Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park. Parks Victoria Technical Series 117. DOI: 

Young M, Porskamp P, Murfitt S, Wines S, Tinkler P, Bursic, J., Allan B, Howe S, Whitmarsh S, Pocklington J, Ierodiaconou D. 2022. Baseline habitat mapping and enhanced monitoring trials of subtidal and intertidal reef habitats in Victoria’s marine national parks and sanctuaries. Parks Victoria Technical Series 116. DOI:

Bosch, N.E., Monk, J., Goetze, J., Wilson, S., Babcock, R.C., Barrett, N., Clough, J., et al. (2022), “Effects of human footprint and biophysical factors on the body-size structure of fished marine species”, Conservation Biology: The Journal of the Society for Conservation Biology, Vol. 36 No. 2, p. e13807. DOI: 


Carnell, P., McLeod, R., Young, M., Gillies, C., Obst, C., Macreadie, P., Ierodiaconou, D., et al. (2022), “Prioritising the restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems using ecosystem accounting”, Research Square, 10 May, available at: DOI: 


Ierodiaconou, D., Kennedy, D.M., Pucino, N., Allan, B.M., McCarroll, R.J., Ferns, L.W., Carvalho, R.C., et al. (2022), “Citizen science unoccupied aerial vehicles: A technique for advancing coastal data acquisition for management and research”, Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 244, p. 104800. DOI:


Jänes, H., Macreadie, P.I., Rizzari, J., Ierodioconou, D., Reeves, S.E., Dwyer, P.G. and Carnell, P.E. (2022), “The value of estuarine producers to fisheries: A case study of Richmond River Estuary”, Ambio, Vol. 51 No. 4, pp. 875–887.  

DOI: 10.1007/s13280-021-01600-3


Kumar, P.C., Niyazi, Y., Eruteya, O.E., Moscariello, A., Warne, M., Ierodiaconou, D. and Sain, K. (2022), “Anatomy of intrusion related forced fold in the offshore Otway Basin, SE Australia”, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Vol. 141, p. 105719. DOI:


Liu, J., Meucci, A., Liu, Q., Babanin, A.V., Ierodiaconou, D. and Young, I.R. (2022), “The wave climate of Bass Strait and South-East Australia”, Ocean Modelling, Vol. 172, p. 101980. DOI:


Niyazi, Y., Eruteya, O.E., Maitituerdi, A., Warne, M. and Ierodiaconou, D. (2021), “First Evidence of (paleo)pockmarks in the Bass Strait, Offshore SE Australia: A Forced Regression Modulated Shallow Plumbing System”, 9 December. DOI:


Niyazi, Y., Warne, M. and Ierodiaconou, D. (2022), “Machine learning delineation of buried igneous features from the offshore Otway Basin in southeast Australia”, Interpretation, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, pp. 1–70. DOI: 


Porskamp, P., Schimel, A.C.G., Young, M., Rattray, A., Ladroit, Y. and Ierodiaconou, D. (2022), “Integrating multibeam echosounder water‐column data into benthic habitat mapping”, Limnology and Oceanography, Wiley.



Porskamp, P., Young, M., Rattray, A., Brown, C.J., Hasan, R.C. and Ierodiaconou, D. (2022), “Integrating Angular Backscatter Response Analysis Derivatives Into a Hierarchical Classification for Habitat Mapping”, Frontiers in Remote Sensing, Vol. 3. DOI: 


Young, Porskamp and Critchell. (n.d.). “Statewide assessment of Victorian marine protected areas using existing data”, Parks Victoria. DOI: 


Yuan, R., Kennedy, D.M. and Ierodiaconou, D.A. (2022), “Spatial scaling in geomorphology: Extrapolating micro-erosion measurements to the landform scale on shore platforms using unoccupied aerial vehicles”, Geomorphology , Vol. 408, p. 108252. DOI:



Pucino N., Kennedy D., Ierodiaconou, D. (2021). 'Sandpyper: A Python package for UAV-SfM beach volumetric and behavioural analysis', Journal of Open Source Software, 6(66), 3666, DOI:

Mazarrasa, I., Lavery, P., Duarte, C.M., Lafratta, A., Lovelock, C.E., Macreadie, P.I., Samper‐Villarreal, J., Salinas, C., Sanders, C., Trevathan‐Tackett, S. and Young, M. (2021) 'Factors determining seagrass Blue Carbon across bioregions and geomorphologies', Global Biogeochemical Cycles, p.e2021GB006935. DOI:

Duarte de Paula Costa, M., Lovelock, C.E., Waltham, N.J., Young, M., Adame, M.F., Bryant, C.V., Butler, D., Green, D., Rasheed, M.A., Salinas, C. and Serrano, O. (2021) 'Current and future carbon stocks in coastal wetlands within the Great Barrier Reef catchments', Global Change Biology. DOI:

Holland, O.J., Young, M.A., Sherman, C.D., Hua Tan, M., Gorfine, H., Matthews, T. and Miller, A.D. (2021) 'Ocean warming threatens key trophic interactions supporting a commercial fishery in a climate change hotspot', Global Change Biology. DOI:

Clarke, T.M., Whitmarsh, S.K., Hounslow, J.L., Gleiss, A.C., Payne, N.L. and Huveneers, C. (2021) 'Using tri-axial accelerometer loggers to identify spawning behaviours of large pelagic fish', Movement ecology, 9(1), pp.1-14. DOI:

Carvalho, R., and Woodroffe, C.D. (2021) 'Sediment budget of a river-fed wave-dominated coastal compartment', Marine Geology, p.106617. DOI:

Jänes, H., Carnell, P., Young, M., Ierodiaconou, D., Jenkins, G.P., Hamer, P., Zu Ermgassen, P.S., Gair, J.R. and Macreadie, P.I. (2021) 'Seagrass valuation from fish abundance, biomass and recreational catch', Ecological Indicators, 130, p.108097. DOI:

Carvalho, R.C., Kennedy, D., Young, M., Leach, C. and Ierodiaconou, D. (2021) 'Relevance of historical nautical charts in sediment dynamic assessments on a high energy temperate shelf', Continental Shelf Research, p.104555. DOI:

Young, M.A., Serrano, O., Macreadie, P., Lovelock, C.E., Carnell, P. and Ierodiaconou, D. (2021). 'National scale predictions of contemporary and future blue carbon storage'. Science of The Total Environment, p.149573. DOI:

Bosch, N. E., Monk, J., Goetze, J., Wilson, S., Babcock, R. C., Barrett, N., Clough, J., Currey-Randall, L. M., Fairclough, D. V., Fisher, R., Gibbons, B. A., Harasti, D., Harvey, E. S., Heupel, M. R., Hicks, J. L., Holmes, T. H., Huveneers, C., Ierodiaconou, D., Jordan, A., Knott, N. A., … Langlois, T. J. (2021). 'Effects of human footprint and biophysical factors on the body-size structure of fished marine species'. Conservation biology: the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology, PMID: 34312893, DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13807


McLean, D., Bond, T., Harvey, E.S., Ierodiaconou, D., Cure, K., Taylor, M., Whitmarsh, S., Sih, T. and Macreadie, P.I., (2021) 'Importance of Australia’s offshore oil and gas infrastructure for fish', The APPEA Journal, 61(2), pp.429-437.


Niyazi, Y., Warne, M. and Ierodiaconou, D. (2021) 'Post-rift magmatism and hydrothermal activity in the central offshore Otway Basin and implications for magmatic plumbing systems', Marine Geology, p.106538. DOI:

Leach, C., Hague, B. S., Kennedy, D. M., Carvalho, R. C., & Ierodiaconou, D. (2021) 'Identifying oceanographic conditions conducive to coastal impacts on temperate open coastal beaches', NATURAL HAZARDS, 23 pages. DOI:10.1007/s11069-021-04845-z


Goetze, J. S., Wilson, S., Radford, B., Fisher, R., Langlois, T. J., Monk, J., . . . Ierodiaconou, D. . . . Harvey, E. S. (2021) 'Increased connectivity and depth improve the effectiveness of marine reserves', Global Change Biology, DOI:


Navarro, A., Young, M., Macreadie, P.I., Nicholson, E. and Ierodiaconou, D. (2021) 'Mangrove and Saltmarsh Distribution Mapping and Land Cover Change Assessment for South-Eastern Australia from 1991 to 2015', Remote Sensing, 13(8), p.1450. DOI:

Carvalho, R.C., Allan, B., Kennedy, D.M., Leach, C., O’Brien, S. and Ierodiaconou, D. (2021) 'Quantifying decadal volumetric changes along sandy beaches using improved historical aerial photographic models and contemporary data', Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. DOI:


Dujon, A.M., Ierodiaconou, D., Geeson, J.J., Arnould, J.P., Allan, B.M., Katselidis, K.A. and Schofield, G. (2021) 'Machine learning to detect marine animals in UAV imagery: effect of morphology, spacing, behaviour and habitat', Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. DOI:

Pittman, S.J., Yates, K.L., Bouchet, P.J., Alvarez-Berastegui, D., Andréfouët, S., Bell, S.S., Berkström, C., Boström, C., Brown, C.J., Connolly, R.M., . . . Young, M. (2021) 'Seascape ecology: identifying research priorities for an emerging ocean sustainability science', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 663, pp.1-29.


Harvey, E.S., McLean, D.L., Goetze, J.S., Saunders, B.J., Langlois, T.J., Monk, J., Barrett, N., Wilson, S.K., Holmes, T.H., Ierodiaconou, D. and Jordan, A.R. (2021) 'The BRUVs workshop–An Australia-wide synthesis of baited remote underwater video data to answer broad-scale ecological questions about fish, sharks and rays', Marine Policy, 127, p.104430. DOI:

Moritsch, M.M., Young, M., Carnell, P., Macreadie, P.I., Lovelock, C., Nicholson, E., Raimondi, P.T., Wedding, L.M. and Ierodiaconou, D., (2021) 'Estimating blue carbon sequestration under coastal management scenarios', Science of The Total Environment, p.145962. DOI:

Huveneers, C., Jaine, F.R., Barnett, A., Butcher, P.A., Clarke, T.M., Currey-Randall, L.M., Dwyer, R.G., Ferreira, L.C., Gleiss, A.C., Hoenner, X. and Ierodiaconou, D., (2021) 'The power of national acoustic tracking networks to assess the impacts of human activity on marine organisms during the COVID-19 pandemic', Biological Conservation, p.108995. DOI:

Pucino, N., Kennedy, D.M., Carvalho, R.C., Allan, B. and Ierodiaconou, D., (2021) 'Citizen science for monitoring seasonal-scale beach erosion and behaviour with aerial drones', Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1 17. DOI:

Niyazi, Y, Eruteya, OE, Warne, M & Ierodiaconou, D. (2021) 'Discovery of large-scale buried volcanoes within the Cenozoic succession of the Prawn Platform, offshore Otway Basin, southeastern Australia', Marine and Petroleum Geology, article no. 104747, DOI:


Carnell, PC, Ierodiaconou, D, Atwood, T, Macreadie, PI (2020) ‘Overgrazing of seagrass by sea urchins diminish blue carbon stocks’, Ecosystems, 23(11):1437-1448, DOI:


Carvalho, RC, Kennedy, DM, Niyazi, Y, Leach, C, Konlechner, TM & Ierodiaconou, D (2020) 'Structure-from-motion photogrammetry analysis of historical aerial photography: Determining beach volumetric change over decadal scales', Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(11):2540-2555, DOI:


Eruteya, OE, Niyazi, Y, Omosanya, KO, Ierodiaconou, D & Moscariello, A (2020) 'Evolution and morphology of rafted blocks in an ancient deepwater mass transport complex (exmoth plateau, offshore nw Australia)', Interpretation, 8(4):SV31-SV50, DOI:

Ewers Lewis, CJ, Young, MA, Ierodiaconou, D, Baldock, JA, Hawke, B, Sanderman, J, Carnell, PE, and Macreadie, PI (2020) ‘Drivers and modelling of blue carbon stock variability in sediments of southeastern Australia’, Biogeosciences, 17(7):2041–2059, DOI:

Fulton, CJ, Berkström, C, Wilson, SK, Abesamis, RA, Bradley, M, Åkerlund, C, Barrett, LT, Bucol, AA, Chacin, DH, Chong‐Seng, KM, Coker, DJ, Depczynski, M, Eggertsen, L, Eggersten, M, Ellis, D, Evans, RD, Graham, NAJ, Hoey, AS, Holmes, TH, Kulbicki, M, Leung, PTY, Lam, PKS, Lier, J, Van, M, Paloma A, Noble, MM, Peretz-Matus, A, Piggott, C, Radford, BT, Tano, S, Tinkler, P (2020) ‘Macroalgal meadow habitats support fish and fisheries in diverse tropical seascapes’, Fish and Fisheries, 21(4)700-717, DOI:      

Greenslade, D, Hemer, M, Babanin, A, Lowe, R, Turner, I, Power, H, Young, I, Ierodiaconou, D, Hibbert, G, Williams, G, Aijaz, S, Albuquerque, J, Allen, S, Banner, M, Branson, P, Buchan, S, Burton, A, Bye, J, Cartwright, N, Chabchoub, A, Colberg, F, Contardo, S, Dufois, F, Earl-Spurr, C, Farr, D, Goodwin, I, Gunson, J, Hansen, J, Hanslow, D, Harley, M, Hetzel, Y, Hoeke, R, Jones, N, Kinsela, M, Liu, Q, Makarynskyy, O, Marcollo, H, Mazaheri, S, McConochie, J, Millar, G, Moltmann, T, Moodie, N, Morim, J, Morison, R, Orszaghova, J, Pattiaratchi, C, Pomeroy, A, Proctor, R, Provis, D, Reef, R, Rijnsdorp, D, Rutherford, M, Schulz, E, Shayer, J, Splinter, K, Steinberg, C, Strauss, D, Stuart, G, Symonds, G, Tarbath, K, Taylor, D, Taylor, J, Thotagamuwage, D, Toffoli, A, Valizadeh, A, van Hazel, J, Vieira da Silva, G, Wandres, M, Whittaker, C, Williams, D, Winter, G, Xu, J, Zhong, A & Zieger, S (2020) '15 Priorities for Wind-Waves Research: An Australian Perspective', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101(4):446-61, DOI:        

Hamylton, SM, Morris, RH, Carvalho, RC, Roder, N, Barlow, P, Mills, K & Wang, L (2020) 'Evaluating techniques for mapping island vegetation from unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images: Pixel classification, visual interpretation and machine learning approaches', International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, article no. 102085, DOI:   

Huang, B, Young, M, Carnell, P, Conron, S, Ierodiaconou, D, Macreadie, PI, Nicholson, E (2020) ‘Quantifying welfare gains of coastal and estuarine ecosystem rehabilitation for recreational fisheries’, Science of the Total Environment, article no. 134680, DOI:      

Ierodiaconou, D, Wines, D, Carnell, P, Tinkler, P Blake, A, Young, M, Carey, J, Howe, S, Pocklington, J (2020) An enhanced Signs of Healthy Parks monitoring program for Victoria’s Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuaries: Point Addis Marine National Park, Parks Victoria, Melbourne, Vic. 

Ierodiaconou, D, Young, M, O’Brien, S (2020) Hydrographic Survey of Apollo Marine Park, Parks Australia, Warrnambool 

Jänes, H, Macreadie, PI, Nicholson, E, Ierodiaconou, D, Reeves, S, Taylor, MD & Carnell, PE (2020) 'Stable isotopes infer the value of Australia’s coastal vegetated ecosystems from fisheries', Fish and Fisheries, 21(1):80-90, DOI:

Jänes, H, Macreadie, PI, Zu Ermgassen, PS, Gair, JR, Treby, S, Reeves, S, Nicholson, E, Ierodiaconou, D, Carnell, P (2020) ‘Quantifying fisheries enhancement from coastal vegetated ecosystems’, Ecosystem Services, article no. 101105, DOI:  

 Kennedy, DM, Oliver, TSN, Tamura, T, Murray-Wallace, CV, Thom, BG, Rosengren, NJ, Ierodiaconou, D, Augustinus, P, Leach, C, Gao, J, McSweeney, SL, Konlechner, T & Woodroffe, CD (2020) 'Holocene evolution of the Ninety Mile Beach sand barrier, Victoria, Australia: The role of sea level, sediment supply and climate', Marine Geology, article no. 106366, DOI:

Konlechner, TM, Kennedy, DM, O'Grady, JJ, Leach, C, Ranasinghe, R, Carvalho, RC, Luijendijk, AP, McInnes, KL & Ierodiaconou, D (2020) 'Mapping spatial variability in shoreline change hotspots from satellite data; a case study in southeast Australia', Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, article no. 107018, DOI:

Langlois, T, Goetze, J, Bond, T, Monk, J, Abesamis, RA, Asher, J, Barrett, N, Bernard, ATF, Bouchet, PJ, Birt, MJ, Cappo, M, Currey-Randall, LM, Driessen, D, Fairclough, DV, Fullwood, LAF, Gibbons, BA, Harasti, D, Heupel, MR, Hicks, J, Holmes, TH, Huveneers, C, Ierodiaconou, D, Jordan, A, Knott, NA, Lindfield, S, Malcolm, HA, McLean, D, Meekan, M, Miller, D, Mitchell, PJ, Newman, SJ, Radford, B, Rolim, FA, Saunders, BJ, Stowar, M, Smith, ANH, Travers, MJ, Wakefield, CB, Whitmarsh, SK, Williams, J & Harvey, ES (2020) 'A field and video annotation guide for baited remote underwater stereo-video surveys of demersal fish assemblages', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11(11):1401-1409, DOI:

Leach, C, Kennedy, DM, Carvalho, RC & Ierodiaconou, D (2020) 'Predicting Compartment-scale Climate Change Impacts Related to Southern Ocean Wave Forcing: Port Fairy, Victoria, Australia', Journal of Coastal Research, 95(1):1157-1161, DOI:

Navarro, A, Young, M, Allan, B, Carnell, P, Macreadie, P, Ierodiaconou, D (2020) ‘The application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to estimate above-ground biomass of mangrove ecosystems’, Remote Sensing of Environment, article no. 111747, DOI:   

Niyazi, Y, Warne, M & Ierodiaconou, D (2020) 'Hectometer-scale, shallow buried honeycomb-like structures on the continental shelf of the Otway Basin, southeastern Australia', Interpretation, 8(4):SV65-SV81, DOI:

Porritt, Erin; Jones, Brian; Price, David; Carvalho, Rafael (2020) ‘Holocene delta progradation into an epeiric sea in northeastern Australia’, Marine Geology, 422, DOI:                                                                                                            

Raoult, V, Colefax, AP, Allan, BM, Cagnazzi, D, Castelblanco-Martínez, N, Ierodiaconou, D, Johnston, DW, Landeo-Yauri, S, Lyons, M & Pirotta, V (2020) 'Operational Protocols for the Use of Drones in Marine Animal Research', Drones, 4(4):64, DOI:

Ricart, AM, York, PH, Bryant, C, Rasheed, M, Ierodiaconou, D, Macreadie, P (2020) ‘High variability of Blue Carbon storage in seagrass meadows at the estuary scale’, Scientific Reports, article no. 5865, doi:

Roos, P, Jones, D, Herron, J, Sidiqui, P, Beza, B, Afrooz, A & Ierodiaconou, D 2020, Coastal Scenario Planning Model: Point Impossible to Jan Juc Masterplan, Live+Smart Research Laboratory, Deakin University, Geelong, Vic.

Schimel, ACG, Brown, CJ, Ierodiaconou, D (2020) ‘Automated Filtering of Multibeam Water-Column Data to Detect Relative Abundance of Giant Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera)’, Remote Sensing, 12(9):1371, DOI:      


Whitt, AA, Coleman, R, Lovelock, CE, Gillies, C, Ierodiaconou, D, Liyanapathirana, M, Macreadie, PI (2020) ‘March of the mangroves: Drivers of encroachment into southern temperate saltmarsh’, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, article no. 106776, DOI:                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Wines, SL, Young, MA, Zavalas, R, Logan, JM, Tinkler, P, Ierodiaconou, D (2020) ‘Accounting for spatial scale and temporal variation in fish-habitat analyses using baited remote underwater video stations (BRUVS)’, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 640(4):171-187, DOI: 


Young, MA, Treml, EA, Beher, J, Fredle, M, Gorfine, H, Miller, AD, Swearer, SE, Ierodiaconou, D (2020) ‘Using species distribution models to assess the long‐term impacts of changing oceanographic conditions on abalone density in south east Australia’, Ecography, 43(7):1052-1064, DOI:  


Allan, BM, Ierodiaconou, D, Hoskins, AJ & Arnould, JPY (2019) ‘A Rapid UAV Method for Assessing Body Condition in Fur Seals’, Drones, 3(1):24, DOI:   


Bezore, R., Kennedy, D.M., Ierodiaconou, D (2019) ‘The evolution of sea cliffs over multiple eustatic cycles in high energy, temperate environments’, Continental Shelf Research, article no. 103985, DOI:                   


Carvalho, RC, Kennedy, DM & Woodroffe, CD (2019) 'A morphology-based drowning risk index for rock platform fishing: a case study from southeastern Australia', Natural Hazards, 96(2):837-56, DOI: 10.1007/s11069-019-03572-w                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Carvalho, RC, Oliver, TSN & Woodroffe, CD (2019) 'Transition from marine to fluvial-dominated sediment supply at Shoalhaven prograded barrier, southeastern Australia', Geomorphology, 341(9):65-78, DOI:   


Carvalho, RC & Woodroffe, CD (2019) ‘Morphological Exposure of Rocky Platforms: Filling the Hazard Gap Using UAVs’, Drones, 3(2):42, DOI:     


Cresswell, AK, Langlois, TJ, Wilson, SK, Claudet, J, Thomson, DP, Renton, M, Fulton, CJ, Fisher, R, Vanderklift, MA, Babcock, RC, Stuart-Smith, RD, Haywood, MDE, Depczynski, M, Westera, M, Ayling, AM, Fitzpatrick, B, Halford, AR, McLean, DL, Pillans, RD, Cheal, AJ, Tinkler, P, Edgar, GJ, Graham, NAJ, Harvey, ES & Holmes, TH (2019) 'Disentangling the response of fishes to recreational fishing over 30 years within a fringing coral reef reserve network', Biological Conservation, 237(9):514-24, DOI:

Fulton, Christopher J; Abesamis, Rene A; Berkström, Charlotte; Depczynski, Martial; Graham, Nicholas AJ; Holmes, Thomas H; Kulbicki, Michel; Noble, Mae M; Radford, Ben T; Tano, Stina; Tinkler, P; Wernberg, T; Wilson, S.K (2019) ‘Form and function of tropical macroalgal reefs in the Anthropocene’, Functional Ecology, 33(6):989-999, DOI:                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Lowe, MK, Adnan, FAF, Hamylton, SM, Carvalho, RC & Woodroffe, CD (2019) ‘Assessing Reef-Island Shoreline Change Using UAV-Derived Orthomosaics and Digital Surface Models’, Drones, 3(2):44, DOI:                                                                                                                                                                   

Lucieer, V, Barrett, N, Butler, C, Flukes, E, Ierodiaconou, D, Ingleton, T, Jordan, A, Monk, J, Meeuwig, J, Porter-Smith, R, Smit, N, Walsh, P, Wright, A & Johnson, C (2019) 'A seafloor habitat map for the Australian continental shelf', Scientific Data, 6(1):120, DOI: 

Miller, AD, Hoffmann, AA, Tan, MH, Young, M, Ahrens, C, Cocomazzo, M, Rattray, A, Ierodiaconou, DA, Treml, E & Sherman, CDH (2019) 'Local and regional scale habitat heterogeneity contribute to genetic adaptation in a commercially important marine mollusc (Haliotis rubra) from southeastern Australia', Molecular Ecology, 28(12):3053-3072, DOI:     


Allan, BM, Nimmo, DG, Ierodiaconou, D, VanDerWal, J, Koh, LP & Ritchie, EG (2018) 'Futurecasting ecological research: the rise of technoecology', Ecosphere, 9(5), DOI:

Ierodiaconou, D, Schimel, ACG, Kennedy, D, Monk, J, Gaylard, G, Young, M, Diesing, M & Rattray, A (2018) 'Combining pixel and object based image analysis of ultra-high resolution multibeam bathymetry and backscatter for habitat mapping in shallow marine waters', Marine Geophysical Research, 39(1)271-88, DOI: 

Ierodiaconou, D, Young, M, Miller, AD, Treml, E, Swearer, S, Sherman, C, Murphy, NP, Strugnell, J, Gorfine, HG (2018) Patterns of interaction between habitat and oceanographic variables affecting the connectivity and productivity of invertebrate fisheries, Fisheries Research and Development Corporation.

Jalali, A, Young, M, Huang, Z, Gorfine, H & Ierodiaconou, D (2018) 'Modelling current and future abundances of benthic invertebrates using bathymetric LiDAR and oceanographic variables', Fisheries Oceanography, 27(6):587-601, DOI:

McLean, LJ, George, S, Ierodiaconou, D, Kirkwood, RJ & Arnould, JPY (2018) 'Impact of rising sea levels on Australian fur seals', PeerJ, 6, DOI: 10.7717/peerj.5786 

Picard, K., Austine, K., Bergersen, N., Cullen, R., Dando, N., Donohue, D., Edwards, S., Ingleton, T., Jordan, A., Lucieer, V., Parnum, I., Siwabessy, J., Spinoccia, M., Talbot-Smith, R., Waterson, C., Barrett, N., Beaman, R., Bergersen, D., Boyd, M., Brace, B., Brooke, B., Cantrill, O., Case, M., Dunne, S., Fellows, M., Harris, U., Ierodiaconou, D., Johnstone, E., Kennedy, P., Leplastrier, A., Lewis, A., Lytton, S., Mackay, K., McLennan, S., Mitchell, C., Nichol, S., Post, A., Price, A., Przeslawski, R., Pugsley, L., Quadros, N., Smith, J., Stewart, W., Sullivan J., Tran, M., Whiteway, T. (2018). Australian Multibeam Guidelines. Record 2018/19. Geoscience Australia, Canberra.         


Porskamp, P, Rattray, A, Young, M & Ierodiaconou, D (2018) ‘Multiscale and Hierarchical Classification for Benthic Habitat Mapping’, Geosciences, 8(4):119, DOI: 

Przeslawski, R, Foster, SD, Lucieer, VL, Monk, J, Bouchet, PJ, Langlois, T, Carroll, A, Williams, J, Barrett, NS, Althaus, F, Beaman, RJ, Berents, P, Bridge, T, Clark, MR, Colquhoun, J, Currey, L, Edgar, GJ, Fellows, M, Frid, C, Friedman, A, Gledhill, DC, Goetze, J, Harasti, D, Hayes, KR, Hill, NA, Hosack, GR, Huveneers, C, Ierodiaconou, D, Ingleton, T, Jordan, A, Kendrick, GA, Kennedy, DM, Lawrence, E, Letessier, TB, Linklater, M, Lowry, M, Malcolm, HA, Meeuwig, JJ, Nichol, SL, O'Hara, T, Picard, K, Post, A, Rees, M, Santana-Garcon, J, Scott, M, Siwabessy, JPW, Smith, J, Stowar, M, Taylor, M, Thompson, C, Tran, M, Tyndall, A, Laurent, V & Whitmarsh, S (2018) Field manuals for marine sampling to monitor Australian waters, NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub, accessed 26 November 2020.

Schimel, ACG, Beaudoin, J, Parnum, IM, Le Bas, T, Schmidt, V, Keith, G & Ierodiaconou, D (2018) 'Multibeam sonar backscatter data processing', Marine Geophysical Research, 39(1):121-37, DOI: 

Wilson, SK, Depcyznski, M, Fisher, R, Holmes, TH, Noble, MM, Radford, BT, Rule, M, Shedrawi, G, Tinkler, P & Fulton, CJ (2018) 'Climatic forcing and larval dispersal capabilities shape the replenishment of fishes and their habitat-forming biota on a tropical coral reef', Ecology and Evolution, 8(3):1918-28, DOI:

Young, MA, Macreadie, PI, Duncan, C, Carnell, PE, Nicholson, E, Serrano, O, Duarte, CM, Shiell, G, Baldock, J & Ierodiaconou, D (2018) 'Optimal soil carbon sampling designs to achieve cost-effectiveness: a case study in blue carbon ecosystems', 14(9), Biology Letters, DOI: DOI:  

Kennedy, DM, Konlechner, T, Zavadil, E, Mariani, M, Wong, V, Ierodiaconou, D & Macreadie, P (2018) 'Invasive cordgrass (Spartina spp.) in south-eastern Australia induces island formation, salt marsh development, and carbon storage', Geographical Research, 56(1):80-91, DOI:


Crockett, P, Johnson, K, Brenker, M, Ierodiaconou, D & Carnell, P (2017), Undaria pinnatifida in Port Phillip Bay Marine Sanctuaries: Removal strategies and interactions with the native algal canopy, report number 113, Parks Victoria Technical Series, Melbourne.

Kennedy, DM, Ierodiaconou, D, Weir, A & Brighton, B (2017), 'Wave hazards on microtidal shore platforms: testing the relationship between morphology and exposure', Natural Hazards, 86(2):741-55, DOI: 

Logan, JM, Young, MA, Harvey, ES, Schimel, ACG & Ierodiaconou, D (2017) 'Combining underwater video methods improves effectiveness of demersal fish assemblage surveys across habitats', Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 582, pp. 181-200, DOI:

Murfitt, SL, Allan, BM, Bellgrove, A, Rattray, A, Young, MA & Ierodiaconou, D (2017) 'Applications of unmanned aerial vehicles in intertidal reef monitoring', Scientific Reports, article no. 10259, DOI:

Wilson, SK, Depczynski, M, Holmes, TH, Noble, MM, Radford, BT, Tinkler, P & Fulton, CJ (2017) 'Climatic conditions and nursery habitat quality provide indicators of reef fish recruitment strength', Limnology and Oceanography, 62(5):1868-80, DOI:


Bezore, R, Kennedy, DM & Ierodiaconou, D (2016) 'The Drowned Apostles: The Longevity of Sea Stacks over Eustatic Cycles', Journal of Coastal Research, 75:592-596, DOI: 10.2112/SI75-119.1

Ehmke, G, Maguire, GS, Bird, T, Ierodiaconou, D & Weston, MA (2016) 'An obligate beach bird selects sub-, inter- and supra-tidal habitat elements', Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 181(11):266-276, DOI:

Flocard, F, Ierodiaconou, D & Coghlan, IR (2016) 'Multi-criteria evaluation of wave energy projects on the south-east Australian coast', Renewable Energy, 99(12):80-94, DOI:

Ierodiaconou, D, Schimel, A, Kennedy, D (2016) ‘A new perspective of storm bite on sandy beaches using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles’, Annals in Geomorphology, 60(3):123-137,  DOI: 

Kernaléguen, L, Dorville, N, Ierodiaconou, D, Hoskins, AJ, Baylis, AMM, Hindell, MA, Semmens, J, Abernathy, K, Marshall, GJ, Cherel, Y, Arnould, JPY (2016) ‘From video recordings to whisker stable isotopes: a critical evaluation of timescale in assessing individual foraging specialisation in Australian fur seals’, Oecologia, 180:657-670, DOI:

Miller, AD, van Rooyen, A, Rašić, G, Ierodiaconou, DA, Gorfine, HK, Day, R, Wong, C, Hoffmann, AA & Weeks, AR (2016) 'Contrasting patterns of population connectivity between regions in a commercially important mollusc Haliotis rubra: integrating population genetics, genomics and marine LiDAR data', Molecular Ecology, 25(16):3845-64, DOI:

Rattray, A, Andrello, M, Asnaghi, V, Bevilacqua, S, Bulleri, F, Cebrian, E, Chiantore, M, Claudet, J, Deudero, S, Evans, J, Fraschetti, S, Guarnieri, G, Mangialajo, L, Schembri, PJ, Terlizzi, A & Benedetti-Cecchi, L (2016) 'Geographic distance, water circulation and environmental conditions shape the biodiversity of Mediterranean rocky coasts', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 553:1-11, DOI: 

Ternes, A, Ierodiaconou, D (2016) ‘The Art of Bathymetry’, Hydro International, 20(4):18-21, DOI: 

Wilson, SK, Depczynski, M, Fulton, CJ, Holmes, TH, Radford, BT & Tinkler, P (2016) 'Influence of nursery microhabitats on the future abundance of a coral reef fish', Proceedings of the Royal Society, 283(1836), DOI:

Young, MA, Ierodiaconou, D, Edmunds, M, Hulands, L & Schimel, ACG (2016) 'Accounting for habitat and seafloor structure characteristics on southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) assessment in a small marine reserve', Marine Biology, 163(141):1-13, DOI: 10.1007/s00227-016-2914-y  ​


Allan, BM, Ierodiaconou, D, Nimmo, DG, Herbert, M, Ritchie, E (2015) ‘Free as a drone: ecologists can add UAVs to their toolbox’, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 13(7):354-355, doi:

Arnould, JPY, Monk, J, Ierodiaconou, D, Hindell, MA, Semmens, J, Hoskins, AJ, Costa, DP, Abernathy, K, Marshall, GJ (2015) ‘Use of Anthropogenic Sea Floor Structures by Australian Fur Seals: Potential Positive Ecological Impacts of Marine Industrial Development?’, PLoS ONE, 10(7), doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0130581

Carnell, P, Ewers, C, Rochelmeyer, E, Zavalas, R, Hawke, B, Ierodiaconou, D, Sanderman, J, Macreadie (2015) The Distribution and Abundance of ‘Blue Carbon’ within Corangamite, Corangamite Catchment Management Authority, accessed 26 November 2020.

Carnell, P, Ewers, C, Rochelmeyer, E, Zavalas, R, Hawke, B, Ierodiaconou, D, Sanderman, J, Macreadie (2015) The Distribution and Abundance of ‘Blue Carbon’ within Port Phillip and Westernport, Emmaline Froggart, accessed 26 November 2020.

Jalali, MA, Ierodiaconou, D, Gorfine, H, Christiansen, F, Young, M (2015) ‘Spatial abundance patterns and recruitment of a virus-affected commercial mollusc fishery’, Fisheries Management and Ecology, 22(6):472-487, DOI: 10.1111/fme.12145

Jalali, MA, Ierodiaconou, D, Monk, J, Gorfine, H, Rattray A (2015) ‘Predictive mapping of abalone fishing grounds using remotely-sensed LiDAR and commercial catch data’, Fisheries Research, 169:26-36, DOI:

Jalali MA, Ierodiaconou D, Gorfine H, Monk J, Rattray A (2015) ‘Exploring Spatiotemporal Trends in Commercial Fishing Effort of an Abalone Fishing Zone: A GIS-Based Hotspot Model’, PLoS ONE, 10(5), DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0122995.

Rattray A, Ierodiaconou D, Womersley T (2015) ‘Wave exposure as a predictor of benthic habitat distribution on high energy temperate reefs,’ Frontiers in Marine Science, 2:1-14, DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2015.00008.

Schimel, A, Ierodiaconou, D, Kennedy, D (2015) ‘Accounting for uncertainty in volumes of seabed change measured with repeat multibeam sonar surveys’, Continental Shelf Research, 111:52-68, DOI:

Young, M, Ierodiaconou, D & Womersley, T (2015) 'Forests of the sea: Predictive habitat modelling to assess the abundance of canopy forming kelp forests on temperate reefs', Remote Sensing of Environment, 170:178-87, DOI:


Che Hasan, R, Ierodiaconou, D, Laurenson, L, Schimel, A (2014) ‘Integrating Multibeam Backscatter Angular Response, Mosaic and Bathymetry Data for Benthic Habitat Mapping’, PLoS ONE, 9(5): DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0097339

Finn, MP & Thunen, D (2014) 'Recent literature in cartography and geographic information science', Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 41(2):179-92, DOI: 10.1080/15230406.2013.878099

French, T, Monk, J, Ierodiaconou, D, Pope, A, Ball, D, Howe, S, Dekker, A, Anstee, J, Botha, H (2014). Classification of benthic marine habitats using LIDAR and WorldView-2 imagery, GEOHAB 2014: Abstract Volume (p. 35). Australia: GEOHAB.

French, T, Monk, J, Ierodiaconou, D, Pope, A, Ball, D, Yaringa and French Island Marine National Park Habitat Mapping, report number 126669, Parks Victoria Technical Series, accessed 15 December 2020.

Hays, GC, Mortimer, JA, Ierodiaconou, D & Esteban, N (2014) 'Use of Long-Distance Migration Patterns of an Endangered Species to Inform Conservation Planning for the World's Largest Marine Protected Area', Conservation Biology, 28(6):1636-44, DOI:

Hays, GC, Mortimer, JA, Ierodiaconou, D & Esteban, N (2014) 'Use of Long-Distance Migration Patterns of an Endangered Species to Inform Conservation Planning for the World's Largest Marine Protected Area', Conservation Biology, 28(6):1636-44, DOI:

Ierodiaconou, D, Miller, AD, Rattray, A, Weeks, AR, Gorfine, HK, Peeters, H, Van Rooyen, A, Jalali, MA, Bell, JD, Worthington, D (2014), Spatial patterns, landscape genetics and post virus recovery of blacklip abalone, Haliotis rubra (Leach), in the western commercial fishing zone of Victoria. Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Warnambool, Victoria, 

Isaac, B, Cooke, R, Ierodiaconou, D, White, JG (2014) ‘Does urbanization have the potential to create an ecological trap for powerful owls (Ninox strenua)?’, Biological Conservation, 176:1-11, DOI:

Isaac, B, White, JG, Ierodiaconou, D, Cooke, R (2014) ‘Simplification of Arboreal Marsupial Assemblages in Response to Increasing Urbanization’, PLoS ONE, 9(3), DOI:

Isaac, B, White, JG, Ierodiaconou, D, Cooke, R (2014) ‘Urban to forest gradients: Suitability for hollow bearing trees and implications for obligate hollow nesters,’ Austral Ecology, 39(8):963-972, DOI:

Jalali, M, Ierodiaconou, D, Miller, A, Monk, J, Rattray (2014), A multidisciplinary approach to shallow benthic fisheries management integrating bathymetric LIDAR, GEOHAB 2014: Abstract Volume (p. 48). Australia: GEOHAB.

Kennedy, D, Woodroffe, CD, Sherker, S, Weir, A, Brighton, B & Ierodiaconou, D (2014), Quantifying rock fishing hazards using marine and terrestrial LiDAR, GEOHAB 2014: Abstract Volume (p. 110). Australia: GEOHAB.

Kennedy D, Ierodiaconou D, Schimel A (2014) ‘Granitic Coastal Geomorphology: Applying integrated terrestrial and bathymetric LiDAR with Multibeam sonar to examine coastal landscape evolution’, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 39(12):1663-1674, DOI:

Pendoley, K, Schofield, G, Whittock, P, Ierodiaconou, D, Hays, G (2014) ‘Multi-species use of a coastal marine migratory corridor connecting Marine Protected Areas’, Marine Biology, 161(6):1455-1466, doi:

Pendoley, K, Schofield, G, Whittock, P, Ierodiaconou, D & Hays, GJMB (2014) 'Protected species use of a coastal marine turtle migratory corridor connecting Australian MPAs', Marine Biology, 161:1455-1466.

Rattray, A, Ierodiaconou, D, Monk, J, Che Hasan, R, Womersley, T (2014) Wave-driven exposure as a surrogate for benthic habitat distribution, GEOHAB 2014: Abstract Volume (p. 84). Australia: GEOHAB.

Rattray, A, Ierodiaconou, D, Monk, J, Laurenson, L, Kennedy, P (2014) ‘Quantification of Spatial and Thematic Uncertainty in the Application of Underwater Video for Benthic Habitat Mapping,’ Marine Geodesy, 37(3):315-336, DOI:

Zavalas, R, Ierodiaconou, D, Monk, J (2014), How distance to reef and distance to soft sediment influence the structure of fish communities, GEOHAB 2014: Abstract Volume (pp. 50-50). Australia: GEOHAB.

Zavalas, R, Ierodiaconou, D, Ryan, D, Rattray, A, Monk, J (2014) ‘Habitat Classification of Temperate Marine Macroalgal Communities Using Bathymetric LiDAR’, Remote Sensing, 6(3):2154-2175, doi:


Ierodiaconou, D, Schimel, A, Rattray, A, Monk, J, Che Hasan, R, Blake, S (June 2013), ‘An Overview of Multibeam Sonar Data Processing for Benthic Habitat Mapping at Deakin University’ [conference presentation], Workshop on Acoustics and Automated Video Processing for Fisheries and Environmental Monitoring, Hobart, Tasmania.

Isaac, B, Cooke R, Ierodiaconou D, White JG (2013) ‘Response of a cryptic apex predator to a complete urban to forest gradient’, Wildlife Research, 40(5):427-436, DOI:

Pope, A, Monk, J & Ierodiaconou, D (2013), Corner Inlet and Nooramunga Habitat Mapping Project – Part 2 : High resolution mapping and change detection analysis using 2011 Rapid Eye Satellite Image compared to 2009 ALOS Satellite Image, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Deakin University, Warrnambool, Vic

Rattray, A, Ierodiaconou, D, Monk, J, Versace, VL, Laurenson, L (2013) ‘Detecting patterns of change in benthic biological habitats using an acoustic remote sensing approach,’ Marine Ecology- Progress Series, 477(3):1-13, DOI:

Versace, V, Monk, J, Ierodiaconou, D, Scarborough, H, Wallis, A, O’Toole, K, Budge, T, Chesterfield, M (2013), Warrnambool and Corangamite Land Suitability Decision Framework Study: Corangamite Shire Council Planning Paper, Deakin University Australia, 

Versace, V, Monk, J, Ierodiaconou, D, Scarborough, H, Wallis, A, O’Toole, K, Budge, T, Chesterfield, M (March 2013), Warrnambool and Corangamite Land Suitability Decision Framework Study: Warrnambool City Council Planning Paper, Deakin University, Australia.

Versace, V, Monk, J, Ierodiaconou, D, Scarborough, H, Wallis, A, O’Toole, K (2013), Warrnambool and Corangamite land suitability decision framework study: technical report, Deakin University, Melbourne, Victoria, 


Arnould, J, Dorville, N, Monk, J, Ierodiaconou, D, Hoskins, A, Hindell, M, Semmens, J, Marshall, G, Abernathy, K (9-13 December 2012), ‘The diet of female Australian fur seals as determined by animal-borne video cameras’, [conference presentation], Abstracts for the 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Dunedin, New Zealand. 

Brown S,  Versace V , Laurenson L, Ierodiaconou D (2012) ‘Assessment of Spatiotemporal Varying Relationships Between Rainfall, Land Cover and Surface Water Area Using Geographically Weighted Regression’, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 17(6):241-254, DOI:

Che Hasan, R, Ierodiaconou, D & Laurenson, L (2012) 'Combining angular response classification and backscatter imagery segmentation for benthic biological habitat mapping', Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 97:1-9, DOI:

Hasan, R, Ierodiaconou, D & Monk, J (2012) ‘Evaluation of Four Supervised Learning Methods for Benthic Habitat Mapping Using Backscatter from Multi-Beam Sonar’, Remote Sensing, 4(11):3427–3443, DOI:

Hasan, RC, Ierodiaconou, D, Monk, J (2012) ‘Evaluation of four supervised learning methods for benthic habitat mapping using backscatter from multibeam sonar’, Remote Sensing, 4(11):3427-3443, DOI:

Ierodiaconou, D & Monk, J (05-10 August 2012), ‘Animal-borne remote sensing: Modelling the foraging of the Australian fur seal in Bass Strait, Australia’, [conference presentation], Program for the 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. 

Laurenson L, French R, Jones P, Ierodiaconou D, Gray S, Versace V, Rattray A, Brown S, Monk J (2012) ‘Aspects of the biology of Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns) from south-western Victoria, Australia,’ Journal of Fish biology, 81(3):1085-1100, DOI:

Monk, J, Pope, A, Ierodiaconou, D, Otera, K, Mount, RE (01-05 July 2012), ‘Predictive mapping of intertidal and shallow subtidal habitats using ALOS imagery and LiDAR bathymetry’ [conference presentation], AMSA-NZMMSS 2012 Program, Hobart, Tasmania. 

Monk, J, Versace, V & Ierodiaconou, D (01-04 May 2012), ‘Transferability of fine-scale habitat suitability models for temperate marine demersal fishes’ [conference presentation], GEOHAB 2012 Program, Orcas Island, USA. 

Monk, J, Versace, V & Ierodiaconou, D (01-05 July 2012), ‘Transferability of predictive fish in distribution models between two coastal systems’ [conference presentation], AMSA-NZMMSS 2012 Program, Hobart, Tasmania. 

Monk J, Ierodiaconou D, Harvey E, Rattray A, Versace V (2012) ‘Are we Predicting the Actual or Apparent Distribution of Temperate Marine Fishes?’, Plos ONE, 7(4), DOI:

Sherman, CDH, Ierodiaconou, D, Stanley, AM, Weston, K, Gardner, MG, Schultz, MB (2012) ‘Development of twenty-four novel microsatellite markers for the freshwater crayfish, Geocharax gracilis, using next generation sequencing’, Conservation Genetic Resources, 4(9):555-558, DOI:

Zavalas, R, Ierodiaconou, D, Ryan, D, Rattray, A, Monk, J (01-05 July 2012), ‘Benthic characterisation of temperate marine habitats using bathymetric LiDAR and video observations’ [conference presentation], AMSA-NZMMSS 2012 Program, Hobart, Tasmania. 


Hasan, R, Ierodiaconou, D, Rattray, A, Monk, J, Larenson, L (27-29 September 2011) ‘Applications of multibeam echosounder data and video observations for biological monitoring on the south east Australian continental shelf’ [conference presentation], International symposium and exhibition on geoinformation, Shah Alam, Malaysia.

Ierodiaconou D, Rattray A, Monk J, Laurenson L, Versace V (2011) ‘Comparison of automated classification techniques for predicting benthic biological communities using hydroacoustics and video observations’, Continental Shelf Research, 31(2):28-38, DOI: 10.1016/j.csr.2010.01.012

Monk, J, Ierodiaconou, D, Bellgrove, A, Harvey, E & Laurenson, L (2011) 'Remotely sensed hydroacoustics and observation data for predicting fish habitat suitability', Continental Shelf Research, 31(2):S17-S27, DOI:

Monk, J, Ierodiaconou, D, Bellgrove, A, Laurenson, L, Harvey, E (2011) ‘Remotely sensed hydroacoustics and underwater video for modelling fish habitat suitability’, Continental Shelf Research, 31(2):17-27, DOI:

Monk, J, Ierodiaconou, D, Versace, C, Rattray, A, Harvey, E (03-07 July 2011), ‘Testing the influence of survey method for building species distribution models of marine fishes’ [conference presentation], 48th Australian Marine Sciences Association Conference, Fremantle, Western Australia. 

Monk, J, Ierodiaconou, D, Versace, VL, Rattray, A, Stagnitti, F, Harvey, E (2011) ‘Comparing towed and baited underwater video techniques for assessing temperate marine fishes’ [conference presentation], GEOHAB 2011, Helsinki, Finland. 

Monk, J, Pope, A, Ierodiaconou, D, Otera, K, Mount, R (2011) Corner Inlet and Nooramunga habitat mapping project, Deakin University, School of Life Environmental Sciences, Warrnambool, Vic

Rattray, A, Ierodiaconou, D, Monk, J, Laurenson, L, Quinn, G (2011) ‘Integrating time-series hydroacoustics and video observations for detecting changes in benthic habitats’ [conference presentation], GEOHAB, Helsinki, Finland. 

Versace, VL, Scarborough, H, Ierodiaconou, D, O'Toole, K, Wallis, A & Stagnitti, F (2011) 'Quantifying the potential impacts of increasing agricultural fragmentation on land value' [conference presentation], Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Conference, 2011, <>.


Ghafouri M, Ghaderi N, Tabatabaei M, Versace V, Ierodiaconou D, Barry D, Stagnitti F (2010) ‘Land use change and nutrients simulation for the Siah Darvishan Basin of the Anzali wetland region, Iran’, Bulletin Environmental Contamination Toxicology, 84(2):240-244, DOI: 

Leslie, E, Sugiyama, T, Ierodiaconou, D, Kremer, P (2010) ‘Perceived and objectively measured greenness of neighbourhoods: Are they measuring the same thing?’ Landscape and Urban Planning, 95(1-2):28-33, DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2009.11.002 

Monk, J, Ierodiaconou, D, Versace, V,  Bellgrove, A, Harvey, E, Rattray, A,  Laurenson, L, Quinn, G (2010) ‘Habitat suitability for marine fishes using presence-only modelling and multibeam sonar’, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 420(12):157-174, DOI:

Monk, J & Ierodiaconou, D (07 May 2010), ‘Opportunities and challenges of predictive models in the marine environment’ [conference presentation], NIWA Workshop Day 1: Predicting Species distributions and communities in the marine realm, New Zealand. 


Ierodiaconou, D, Monk, J, Rattray, A, Laurenson, L, Quinn, G (2009), South West Victoria Marine Habitat and Biodiversity Asset Identification and Applications of Seascape data in Victorian coastal waters, Deakin University, Australia. 

Ierodiaconou, D, Rattray, A, Monk, J, Laurenson, L (05-09 July 2009), ‘Linking seafloor characteristics to biological communities’ [conference presentation], AMSA 2009 Program, Adelaide, South Australia

Koss, RS, Miller, K, Wescott, G, Boxshall, A, Bellgrove, A, Gilmour, P, Bunce, A, McBurnie, J, Ierodiaconou, D (2009) ‘An evaluation of Sea Search as a citizen science program in marine protected areas’, Pacific Conservation Biology, 15(2):116-127, DOI:

Monk, J, Ierodiaconou, D, Bellgrove, A, Harvey, E, Laurenson, L (05-09 July 2009), ‘Predicting demersal fish distributions using presence-only algorithms’ [conference presentation], AMSA 2009 Program, Adelaide, Australia.


Rattray, A, Ierodiaconou, D, Laurenson, L, Burq, S & Reston, M (2009) 'Hydro-acoustic remote sensing of benthic biological communities on the shallow South East Australian continental shelf', Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 84(2):237-45, DOI:

Rattray, A, Monk, J & Ierodiaconou, D (2009), Preliminary Spatial Analysis of Rocklobster Catch Data for the Hopkins Bank, Deakin University, Australia.


Rattray A, Ierodiaconou D, Laurenson L, Burq S, Reston R (2009) ‘Mapping benthic biological communities using multi-beam sonar, video data and decision tree classification method on the temperate south-east Australian continental shelf’, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 84(2):237–245, DOI:

S. Koss, R, Miller, K, Wescott, G, Bellgrove, A, Boxshall, A, McBurnie, J, Bunce, A, Gilmour, P & Ierodiaconou, D (2009) 'An evaluation of Sea Search as a citizen science programme in Marine Protected Areas’, Pacific Conservation Biology, 15(2):116-27, DOI:


Leslie, E, Ierodiaconou, D, Kremer, P, Sugiyama, T (27-30 August 2008) ‘Conceptual challenges in validation of perceived greenness in local environments’ [conference presentation], International Congress of Behavioural Medicine: Drawing from traditional sources and basic research to improve health of individuals, communities and populations: Abstract book, 

Monk, J, Ierodiaconou, D, Bellgrove, A (2008) ‘Trained community volunteers can collect useful data’, JMBA marine environment, (8):15, DOI: 

Monk J, Ierodiaconou D, Bellgrove A, Laurenson L (2008) ‘Using community-based monitoring with GIS to create habitat maps for a marine protected area in Australia’, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 88(5):865-871, DOI:

Salzman, S, Allinson, G, Stagnitti, F, Hill, R, Thwaites, L, Ierodiaconou, D, Carr, R, Sherwood, J & Versace, V (2008) ‘Adsorption and desorption characteristics of fluoride in the calcareous and siliceous sand sheet aquifers of south-west Victoria, Australia’, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 111:159-174, DOI: 10.2495/WP080161 

Schultz, M, Ierodiaconou, D, Smith, S, Horwitz, P, Richardson, A, Crandall, K, Austin, C (2008) ‘Sea-level Changes and Palaeo-Ranges: Reconstruction of Ancient Shorelines and River Drainages and the Phylogeography of the Australian Land Crayfish Engaeus Sericatus Clark (Decapoda: Parastacidae)’, Molecular Ecology, 17(24):5291-5314, DOI:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2008.03996.x

Versace, V, Ierodiaconou, D, Stagnitti, F, Hamilton, AJ (2008) ‘Appraisal of random and systematic land cover transitions for regional water balance and revegetation strategies’, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 123(4):328-336, DOI:

Versace V, Ierodiaconou D, Stagnitti F, Hamilton AJ, Walter MT, Mitchell B, Boland A-M (2008) ‘Regional-scale models for relating land cover to basin surface-water quality using remotely sensed data in a GIS’, Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 142(7):171-184, DOI:


Ierodiaconou, D, Burq, S, Laurenson, L, Reston, M (2007) ‘Marine habitat mapping using multibeam data, georeferenced video and image classification techniques: A case study in south-west Victoria’, Journal of Spatial Science, 52(1):93-104, DOI: 

Ierodiaconou, D, Rattray, A, Laurenson, L, Burq, S, Reston, (M 02-06 May 2007), ‘Benthic habitat mapping coastal waters of south-east Australia’ [conference presentation], GEOHAB 2007, New Caledonia. 

Ierodiaconou, D, Rattray, A, Laurenson, L, Monk, J, Lind, P (November 2007), ‘Victorian Marine Habitat Mapping Project’ [conference presentation], Deakin University, Australia. 

Pope, A, Lind, P, Ierodiaconou, D, Wallis, A, Monk, J, Rattrat, A (2007), South West Coastal and Marine Values GIS: Training and Evaluation Workshop, Feedback and Refinement of GIS, Western Coastal Board, Deakin University, Australia.


Pope, A, Lind, P, Ierodiacoou, D, Wallis, A, Monk, J, Rattray, A (2007), Development of a GIS for coastal and marine values of South West Victoria, Deakin University, Warrnambool, Vic

Versace, V, Ierodiaconou, D, Stagnitti, F, Hamilton, A, Walter, T, and Leblanc, M (2007) ‘The relationship between native vegetation and in-stream salinity: an Australian case study’ in Schumann, A & Pahlow, M (eds.) Reducing the Vulnerability of Societies to Water Related Risks at the Basin Scale, IAHS Press.


Hamilton, A, Versace, V, Stagnitti, F, Li, P, Yin, W, Maher, P, Hermon, K, Premier, R & Ierodiaconou, D (11-13 May 2006) 'Wastewater reuse and the environment: Reaping the benefits by minimizing the impacts' [conference presentation], Proceedings of the 2006 IASME/WSWAS International Conference on Water Resources, Hydraulics & Hydrology, Chalkida, Greece.

Hamilton, J, Versace, V, Stagnitti, F, Li, P, Yin, W, Maher, P, Hermon, K, Premier, R, Ierodiaconou, D (2006) ‘Balancing environmental impacts and benefits of wastewater reuse’, WSEAS transactions on environment and development, 2(2):117-129, DOI: 

Monk, J, Ierodiaconou, D, Bellgrove, A, Laurenson, L (12-16 July 2006), ‘A starting point: mapping of the subtidal zones of a Victorian marine sanctuary using an integrated community-based monitoring GIS approach’ [conference presentation], International Symposium on GIS and Computer Cartography for Coastal Zone Management, Wollongong, Australia


Ierodiaconou, D, Laurenson, L, Leblanc, M, Stagnitti, F, Duff, G, Salzman, S (2005) ‘Multi-temporal Land Use Mapping using Remotely Sensed Techniques and the Integration of a Pollutant load model in a GIS’, Water and Energy Abstracts, 15(2):9.

Ierodiaconou, D, Laurenson L, Leblanc M, Duff G, Stagnitti F, Salzman S, Versace V (2005) ‘The consequences of land-use change on nutrient exports: A regional scale assessment in South-west Victoria, Australia’, Journal of Environmental Management, 74(4):205-316, DOI:

Ierodiaconou, D, Leblanc, M, Laurenson, L, Stagnitti, F, Versace, V (2005) ‘Mapping Land Use In A Large Agricultural Basin: A Comparison Between Classification Techniques’, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, DOI: 10.2495/RM050511 

Ierodiaconou, D (2005), Seafloor mapping data, Victoria [data set], Victorian Marine Habitat Mapping Project. 


Koss, R, Gilmour, P, Miller, K, Bellgrove, A, McBurnie, J, Wescott, G, Bunce, A (2005), Community - Based Monitoring of Victoria’s Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuaries, Parks Victoria Technical Series No. 19, Parks Victoria, Melbourne

Versace, V, Ierodiaconou, D, Salzman, S, Stagnitti, F, Leblanc, M, Boland, A, Laurenson, L, March, T, Thwaites, L (2005) ‘Multivariate Modelling of Land Use on In-stream Salinity Over Multiple Spatial Scales’, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, DOI: 10.2495/WRM050311

Vuurens S, Stagnitti F, de Rooij G, Boll J, Li L (Ling) Xiong X, LeBlanc M, Ierodiaconou D, Salzman S, Versace V (2005) ‘Quantifying effects of soil heterogeneity on groundwater pollution in four sites in the USA’, Science in China Series C: Life Sciences, 48(1):118-127, DOI:


Hermon, K, Maher, P, Ierodiaconou, D, Stagnitti, F, Allinson, G, Armstrong, R, Leblanc, M, de Rooij, G, Bloem, E, Hogervorst, F (2004), ‘Recycled effluent irrigation in vineyards: an Australian case study. I. issues and monitoring’, in Pandalai, SG (ed), Recent research developments in crop science. Vol. 1 2004 part II, Research Signpost, Trivandrum, India.

Ierodiaconou, D, Laurenson, L, Marc, Leblanc, Stagnitti, F, Duff, G, Salzman (2004), ‘Multi-temporal land use mapping use remotely sensed techniques and the integration of a pollutant load model in a GIS’, in Yangbo, C (ed), GIS and Remote Sensing in Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, China. 

Ierodiaconou, D, Salzman, S, Stagnitti, F, Laurenson, L, Duff, G, Leblanc, M, Metcalfe, C (19-22 October 2004), ‘Relationships between landscape characteristics and non-point pollution inputs to streams in the Glenelg-Hopkins region, south west Victoria, Australia’ [conference presentation], Australian Stream Management Conference, Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment, Clayton, Vic.  

Ierodiaconou, D (2004), ‘Land use change and impacts on nutrient loads using GIS’ [PhD thesis], Deakin University.

Lawson, H, Leblanc, M, Ierodiaconou, D, Stagnitti, F, Harris, L, March, T, Versace, C, van Ovelen, P, Bowman, M (2004), ‘Terrain Characteristics Influencing Aquifer Salinisation of the Glenelg-Hopkins CMA Region, Using GIS’ [conference presentation], Engineering Salinity Solutions: 1st National Salinity Engineering Conference 2004, Barton, ACT, Australia. 

Hermon, K, Maher, P, Ierodiaconou, D, Stagnitti, F, Allinson, G, Armstrong, R, Leblanc, M, de Rooij, G, Bloem, E & Hogervorst, F (2004), ‘Recycled effluent irrigation in vineyards: An Australian case study. II. Management for sustainability’, in Pandalai, S (ed) Recent research developments in crop science. Vol. 1 2004 part II, Research Signpost, Trivandrum, India. 

Versace, V, Ierodiaconou, D, Stagnitti, F, Leblanc, M, March, T, Salzman, S (December 2004), ‘Multivariate Analysis of In-stream Nutrient Loads and Salinity for a Large Regional Basin in Australia’ [conference presentation], American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, America.


Leblanc, M, Ierodiaconou, D, Stagnitti, F, Wearne, J, Lowe, J, Laurenson, L (6-11 April 2003), ‘Long-term monitoring of lakes and wetlands with satellite data and GIS’ [conference presentation], EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France. 


Ierodiaconou, DA & Laurenson, LJB (2002) 'Estimates of Heterozostera tasmanica, Zostera muelleri and Ruppia megacarpa distribution and biomass in the Hopkins Estuary, western Victoria, by GIS', Australian Journal of Botany, 50(2):215-28, DOI:

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