Warrnambool researcher discovers large-scale buried volcanoes in the Otway Basin
Group Member Yakup Niyazi is interviewed by the Warrnambool Standard.

Image Courtesy: Yakup Niyazi
Volcanoes and lava plains are typical for the central and western Victorian landscape. These spectacular cones of volcanoes are belong to the Newer Volcanic Province, which has been active since 4.6 million years, with the most recent eruption 4,500 years ago. There is also the Older Volcanic Province (active between 95-19 million years) in the region, however, they are not well-preserved on the surface due to the intense erosion.
Group member Yakup uses seismic reflection imaging technique (similar to medical ultrasound or CT scanning) to map the hidden features under the seafloor. He identified 19 buried volcanoes in the western continental shelf of the King Island. In the interview by the local newspaper Warrnambool Standard, he talked about the details of the research and importance of this discovery.
To read the details of the interview , click here